История математики

Вернер Венделин 

(1968 г.р.)

Born in September 1968 in Germany
French nationality (since 1977)

Studies in France:
Student at Ecole Normale Supérieure (1987-1991)
PhD at Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie under the supervision of Jean-François Le Gall 1993

Positions held:
Chargé de recherches at CNRS 1991-1997 (at Laboratoire de Probabilités de l'université Pierre-et-Marie Curie 1991-93 and at DMA, Ecole Normale Supérieure 1995-97)
Leibniz fellowship (i.e. European Union funded Post-Doc) at the University of Cambridge 1993-1995
Professor (cl. exc. since 2005) at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques de l'Université Paris-Sud since 1997 (also seconded part-time to the Ecole Normale Supérieure since 2005 and member of Institut Universitaire de France 2001-2006)

Some prizes:
Rollo Davidson prize, 1998
Prix Paul Doisteau -Emile Blutet (Académie des sciences), 1999
EMS prize, 2000
Prix Fermat, 2003
Prix Jacques Herbrand (Académie des sciences), 2003
Loeve prize, 2005
Polya prize, 2006

Some special/invited/named lectures/courses given:
Cours Peccot (collège de France)
Mark Kac seminar (Utrecht)
James and Marylin Simons lectures (MIT)
Davidson lecture (SPA, Cambridge)
Lévy lecture (SPA/IMS, Barcelona)
Tom Wolff lectures (Caltech)
Goran Gustafsson lectures (KTH Stockholm)
Invited lectures at
ECM 2000 (Barcelona)
ECM 2004 (Stockholm)
ICM 2006 (Madrid)
Plenary lectures
Statphys XXIII (Bangalore)
ICMP 2006 (Rio)
Plenary lectures at the meeting of the DMV, at the British Math. Colloquium...

PhD students supervised:
Florin Soucaliuc (defense in 2001), Vincent Beffara (2003), Julien Dubédat (2004), Roland Friedrich (2004)

The work of Wendelin Werner and his collaborators represents one of the most exciting and fruitful interactions between mathematics and physics in recent times. Werner's research has developed a new conceptual framework for understanding critical phenomena arising in physical systems and has brought new geometric insights that were missing before. The theoretical ideas arising in this work, which combines probability theory and ideas from classical complex analysis, have had an important impact in both mathematics and physics and have potential connections to a wide variety of applications. (Further information at

Fields medal 2006 ?for his contributions to the development of stochastic Loewner evolution, the geometry of two-dimensional Brownian motion, and conformal field theory".