/ Лузин Н. Н.
/ Колмогоров А. Н.
/ Яглом А. М.
советский математик. Род. в Харькове. Брат И. М. Яглома. Окончил Свердловский ун-т (1942) и МГУ (1944). Д-р физико-матем. наук (1956), проф. (1964). С 1946 работает в Ин-те физической атмосферы АН СССР, с 1963 ? также в МГУ. Осн. труды по функциональному анализу, теории вероятностей, теории информации, прикладной математике.
Yaglom was born in 1921 in Kharkov, Ukraine, and moved to Moscow in 1926. He worked at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences and was a full professor in the Probability Theory and Statistics Department of Moscow University.
Yaglom received a Doctor of Science degree--the highest scientific degree in the Soviet Union--in 1955 for work on theories of stochastic processes and their application to turbulence theory.
In 1988, he received the American Physical Society's Otto Laporte Award for his "fundamental contribution to the statistical theory of turbulence and the study of its underlying mathematical structure."
In 1992, Yaglom came to the United States and MIT. He was subsequently granted permanent resident status.
Yaglom authored six books and some 120 papers. Most of his materials have been published in English and many other languages and are regarded as engineering classics. They include the two-volume set Statistical Fluid Mechanics, published by MIT Press.
Yaglom had been scheduled to receive the European Geosciences Union's Lewis Fry Richardson Medal next spring honoring his work in nonlinear geosciences.
YAGLOM--Akiva, a world renowned physicist, mathematician, bibliophile and former Soviet political dissident passed away on December 13, 2007 in Boston, Massachusetts at the age of 86.
He is mourned by his wife June, his daughters Julia and Masha, his sons-in-law Michael and Gideon, his grandchildren Naomi, Levy Natan, Shimon Ezra and Batya Bracha, his nephews Menahem and Michael and many disciples, friends and fellow scientists all over the world.

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Прошла летняя школа «Современная математика», теперь имени Виталия Арнольда.
доступны труды А.Н.Крылова и А.Пуанкаре
"Мат.этюды" выпустили книгу «Математическая составляющая».
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